Youth Group Activities

Friday Night Live (or FNL for short) is the mainline weekly program of the Youth Group. We meet up every Friday at 7:30 PM for games, worship (modern worship of course!), teaching time, and connecting in small groups. While FNL meets, we spend our time praising God, learning who Jesus is, applying what we've learned so we can learn how to act like Him, hanging out, and eating food!

Right before FNL every Friday though, we also have TGIF Power Club. TGIF Power Club is a tutoring program open to all middle and high schoolers. A light dinner is provided before the youth continues on to the FNL program.

We also meet up together outside of our regular Friday and Sunday programs! Bowling outing is one such activities.

The Youth Group is also very active in supporting the English Service Team for our English Sunday Worship as well as other church events such as the October Game Night event and our annual Operation Christmas Child event.